Attracting funding from EU funds and other support instruments
Liene Meldere
We offer extensive and specific services to companies that want to obtain funding from the EU and other support funds in the form of a grant.

Our goal is to help you understand and use the available financing options to promote the development and growth of your business.
  • 18 years
    of experience
  • EUR 90 million
    of funding attracted
  • 200+
    companies in our portfolio
Liene Meldere
We have attracted about EUR 90 million in funding, helping more than 200 companies, both Latvian and non-Latvian, to develop and make more profit. My customers represent various industries – from manufacturing to pharmaceutical and high-tech companies.
Professionalism and competence
Our team consists of experienced consultants who are experts in various sectors. We ensure the highest quality of our services. This means a thorough and professional approach to all matters related to business financing. We always find the best solutions!
Versatile experience
We have worked with various types of companies and projects from all sectors of the Latvian economy. This versatile experience allows us to understand and adapt exactly to the individual needs of your business. We see opportunities and act!
Experience in obtaining financing
Many Latvian companies, with our help, have already received financing for the development and growth of their business. Our team is well known for taking responsibility and providing comprehensive support on the funding journey. We deliver more than what is expected of us!
Personal approach
By entering into cooperation with us, we are the best partners on the way to the growth and development of your business. We provide a personal approach to each business and develop a strategy that is suitable for your business situation and goals.
A loan for company development

The loan amount is from 100,000 to 7,000,000 euros. The term is up to 10 years. 35% of the principal amount of the loan is paid off with EU support if the project is successfully implemented. Funding can be received:

  • For digitalization of traditional processes and data storage solutions;
  • For the purchase and implementation of Industry 4.0 solutions, for the purchase of systems and equipment operating in the 5G network;
  • For renovation and optimization of existing production and other equipment and purchase of new equipment;
  • For the purchase of new equipment in the field of IT technologies related to the use of IT products in the production process;
  • For the platform economy – for the creation and provision of operations of solutions or systems operating on one platform.
Support for digitalization of company processes

The maximum grant is 100,000 euros. The amount of the grant is 40–60% of the project amount. For small companies, a grant of up to 5,000 euros is also available, which is 100% support. You can receive support if you plan to digitize your business processes, that is:

  • web page creation, application development, purchase of a CRM system, installation of a security system, automation and digitization of warehouse, marketing, accounting, production, project management and other business processes, as well as energy resource management;
  • including the purchase of equipment;
  • you will also be able to receive support for the costs of using the software or purchasing licences.
Support for new farmers

New farmers have the opportunity to receive 100% support. The maximum amount of support is 40,000 euros for farm development. Support can be received for the following costs:

  • for the purchase of new or used equipment or machinery;
  • for the purchase of land;
  • for construction or reconstruction works.
  • a natural person under the age of 40 who has received education or started studies in the field of agriculture;
  • a legal entity that is not older than 5 years and is engaged in agriculture.
During the consultation, you will receive information about all the possible support options for your business.
Our completed projects
EUR 500,000 support from EU funds
I started my career in the field of business consulting in 2006 when I met a company at a seminar which had a strong opinion that it is impossible to receive EU support and that it is a difficult and complicated bureaucratic process. After reviewing all the documents that this company had provided to receive support, I concluded that its consultants had worked very unprofessionally, so the support was not received. I decided to prove to it that support for business could be received. I did it! We worked together for several years – we developed a fish farm and also expanded the business further – now the company not only grows fish, but also produces fish and fish roe products. In total, the company received about 500,000 in support from the EU. I am very proud of this company, because it was an interesting challenge with which I started my business consulting career.
EU support for the development of a new company in export markets
I was approached by two young men, engineers, whose goal was to leave paid work to start their own business. As usual for engineers, the business sector was very complex – the production of logistics equipment. Our goal was to get this completely new startup company to foreign markets, because Latvia is too small for this business. We received EU support for company development and marketing activities to present ourselves to potential foreigncustomers. I was so dedicated to the success of this company that I travelled with it and presented the company’s products to potential customers in Kazakhstan. Everything was successful for us – today the company has grown into an internationally competitive business and sells its products not only on the Kazakh market, but also in Europe.


Our customers are companies from various industries who value our experience and individual approach.


Contact us to learn more about how we can help your company get financing and grow successfully.
+371 22 727 377
Rīga, Latvija